A bouquet of our life-like tulips is dropped into a glass vase to achieve a garden-fresh, minimal effort allure. The simplicity of this arrangement brings understated elegance to any setting. The making of artificial flowers is an ancient art that originated in China\’s Tang Dynasty more than 1,300 years ago. Bountiful arrangements of color and texture, our exquisite greenery is meticulously shaped and painted by hand to perfectly mimic nature’s beauty.
- Handcrafted fabric.
- Handpainted.
- Glass vase with water illusion.
- Due to the handcrafted nature of this item, no two are alike.
- Overall: 12\” diameter x 12\” high.
- Vase: 5 1/4\” diameter x 5\” high.
This item ships directly from the vendor within 2-4 weeks after placing your order. It is not eligible for express or next day shipping.
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